Saturday, November 14, 2009

the perfect bike ride :)

yesterday me and brittney went to versailles and rented bikes! we rode all through the gardens and its was the most amazing time ever! first off i miss bike riding so much, it brings me back to my childhood days when i use to ride around with my siblings and neighbors until it was dark out. whenever i get on a bike again i just dont want to stop. the weather was p e r f e c t. its been pratty cold lately but for some reason yesterday it was beautiful, i didnt even wear a jacket.  we were surrounded my trees and the huge pond and tons of trails to bike down. it was the exact refreshing experience i needed and i will never forget the feeling. 

only two more weeks left of my european experience. its pretty insane to think that this is all about to be over but i think im ready to be home! i miss my family and friends and just comforts of home. but this trip isnt over yet. i have a lot to cram into these next two weeks. 
well see if i have time to write about it all, if not im sure ill come back to this once im home and reflect on the craziness of merging back into the american lifestyle!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

painting class this morning

this morning was most definitely the best morning in paris yet. me dana meg clarke and megan gilbert headed to Kathy's studio for painting class in the cold and rain. we were the only ones that went this morning because the rest of the class was sick or had registration problems.  we got there and expected her to be a little disappointed but instead just like her normal optimistic self, she gave us a big grin and said well were just going to have our own private girls only class.  i modeled first and were worked on vertical measurement (painting an entire portrait only using vertical lines). we talked the enitire time while we painted and asked kathy about her life and basically had girl talk for three hours.  kathy even set up her own easel and painted both me and megan gilbert it was incredible..when do you get to be painted by a professional painter! ..between each model we all sat around and had coffee and cookies and talked about our art work. ill post some pictures so you can see everyones work. it was the best painting class by far and it made my day so i thought id share :)

(the first picture is kathy's portrait of me, and the other ones are our class paintings)